Hia All,

So today I got to thinking about an old campaign that I used to run for a program called Government Records.  I think it was pretty successful when I ran it the first time.  The problem the first time was that I didn’t make but a single Adgroup.

I used the most awesome tool, Keyword Elite to create this massive list of keywords, and then I just jammed all those keywords into a single AdGroup.

At first it worked great, and I probably made like 10 sales in the first day or two.

Then I got the GOOGLE SLAP!  Whoa.  What the heck was that.  All of a sudden all these keywords that I had been paying like $0.25 each for, all of a sudden are inactive and it is telling me the minimum bid is like $10.00.  Yikes.

So after doing some research, I learned that it all comes back to RELEVANCE!  Google wants everything to be relevant.

While Keyword Elite is really an awesome tool for creating and managing large lists of keywords, the user (that’s you), still has to do some work to make sure that your keywords are relevant.

So now, what I do is I try to group relevant keywords together into groups of about 5 to 20 keywords and put them into their own AdGroup.  This way, I can have a nice, tightly related group of keywords, and I can write an Ad that is more closely targeted (also RELEVANT) to the set of keywords.

Also, you should always be split testing your ads.  At all times, you should have two ads running in the adgroup.  After every 100 clicks or so, you should look at the CTR (Click Through Rate) for each of the two ads.  Take the one that is performing poorly, and re-write it to see if you can make a new ad that beats the current “winner.”  This way, you can constantly be improving your ads, and CTR.

Remember, Google will reward you for a higher CTR.  In the eyes of the Google Algorithm, a high CTR means your ad must be relevant to the searchers terms, since searchers seem to be clicking on it a lot.

If you’re interested in learning more about this stuff, you can get on the mailing list for my upcoming course on how to make money on-line with Clickbank and Google Adwords.  It’s going to be a solid, step-by-step guide on how to make money online.  I’ve made a bunch of videos and the whole bit to walk you through everything step by step.  Check it out