
So everyday I try and visit my blog here to see how things are going, and to see if anyone has left any comments. So far, no Comments 😦

Oh well. I can handle it.

One thing I did notice is that I get a good many clicks from people who have punched in “1shoppingsite.com” into google or some other search engine. Interesting.

If you missed the earlier blog post, basically the deal with 1shoppingsite.com is that they have scripted a “storefront” to Clickbank products, and you give the 1shoppingsite.com script your clickbank ID, and they in turn give you a the storefront where all the affiliate links for all the products are your affiliate link. Pretty cool.

So I got to looking around, and I noticed that on the 1shoppingsite.com site, there are adwords, and during the setup process, you’re supposed to enter your adsense code, and I guess they give you credit for the adsense clicks too.

I’ve been thinking a good bit lately about the adsense thing. In fact, I originally started my journey by thinking about adsense. I saw some ad or promo about how to do this stuff called “Adsense Arbitration,” where basically write content for the purpose of getting high value adwords ads displayed on your site. And then you use PPC to drive traffic to the page. The intention is that you pay $.10 for the click to get the visitor and $.15 for an adsense click. I don’t know if it works or not. I did write one or two articles and try to make it work. I’ll write about that in a different blog.

Anyway, so back to 1shoppingsite.com. So seeing all this stuff from them got me to thinking about how I could turn that into a money making idea.

My wife is looking into community websites, and I’ve always been a big fan of creating websites where the users generate most or all of the content. Stuff like job / resume services or dating sites. I was thinking about making one on American Idol!

Then you monetize the site with adsense. I don’t know how many people are reading this, but if you’re willing to partner up with me, send me an email and let me know. I’d like to launch a community website and monetize it with Google Adsense.

I’m thinking of doing something just like the 1shoppingsite.com deal, and we give that away to ClickBank affiliates and folks that want to make money on-line. Except we keep the revenue from the adsense ads!

Ok, I’m going to go write an entry on the Adsense Arbitrage method ..

Chris Hackett