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Arbitrage Case Study

This case study was one of the first projects that I got into. The concept is very simple and for the most part, makes sense to me.

Here is a link to a Potty Training web page that we did.  We were able to potty train our child very quickly, and this is a page that kind of explains what we did.

Here is another link to a page I did on sleep apnea.  I think the other page I did on potty training was better than this one.  Probably because I had to start from scratch with the apnea page, but knew what I was talking about with the potty training.

Anyway, the concept is that you create a web page or small site that is built with the sole purpose of placing adsense ads on. If you’re not familiar with adsense, it’s the “content network” equivalent of Google’s AdWords program. I’m sure you’ve seen them when you’re surfing the web and you see a callout box or a small section that says something like “Ads by Gooooogle” or something like that.

Publishers (people with websites) can earn money by allowing Google to place ads on their website. If someone clicks the ad, then the owner of the website will get some money from Google. The more competitive and expensive the keyword that triggered the ad, the more money the publisher will make for a click.

With arbitrage, the goal is to find profitable niches by doing extensive keyword research and finding a niche where the competition for keywords isn’t so stiff that you can’t afford to drive traffic.

Anyway, the link at the top of the page here is going to give you a really excellent view of how the whole thing works.

Check it out.

Chris Hackett